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'Girl Power Is the Strongest Power of All'

Richard Barth, the CEO of the KIPP charter-school network, on three lessons for academic (and life) success.

'I Leaned In to Freshman Year': A Student's Advice for Overcoming High School Fears

The first day of high school was nerve-racking, writes 15-year-old Emily Spangler. Here's how she leaned into freshman year.

Back-to-School Wisdom from Chicago's Chancellor

There are no short cuts in life, writes Cheryl Hyman, the chancellor of Chicago’s community colleges. Her advice: set your goals high, work hard and don’t look back.

Today is Women's Equality Day

On the 93rd anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment--which granted women the right to vote--we honor the women who came before us. Follow along on Tumblr.

Smith President to Female Freshmen: Don’t Lean Back

The world is not gender-equal but college is strong preparation for making it so, writes Smith College President Kathleen McCartney.

Quietly Leaning In: An Introvert's Guide to Leadership

Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader, offers advice for how introverted women can tap their strengths to lean in.

Lean In Circles Number 7,000+

Five months after Lean In urged women to form empowerment circles, some 7,000 of those circles have been formed — in all 50 states and at least 50 countries. The Associated Press reports on the growth.

Things welove

Spider-Man Reimagined, Feminist Style

Man we hate it when women are told not to come on an adventure because it’s too dangerous.

This Father-Daughter Photo Series Will Rip Your Heart Apart

A widower recreates photographs he took with his wife, who passed away from cancer. This time, he posed with 3-year-old Olivia, the other love of his life. The results are beautiful.

Awesome Women To Watch At The 2014 Winter Olympics

The Winter Games are bringing us a whole new round of inspiring women to be in awe of.

Guys Challenge Stereotypes Using Only A Whiteboard and a Marker

It can be taboo to talk about, but our society has a lot of expectations for men: stay tough, don’t cry, be macho. But these guys have a different idea of what it means to be manly.

Photoshop Parody Ads Show How Deceptive Altered Images Can Be

Anna Hill’s Photoshop ads promise “Immortalized beauty…as long as you never let anyone see you in person ever again.”

Trailblazing Women You May Not Know (But Should): Junko Tabei

Each week, the Lean In tumblr will spotlight women who made a lasting mark on the world — yet didn’t always end up in the history books. This week we celebrate Junko Tabei, the first woman to climb to the top of Mount Everest.

Can A Veiled Muslim Woman Also Be An American Hipster? Yes.

“Mipsterz” are a cultural group who seek inspiration from both Islam and the hipster aesthetic. They're taking the internet by storm.