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50 Ways to Fight Bias Fight bias at your organization

Learn how to bring 50 Ways to your company

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50 Ways to Fight Bias: Moderator Training

Join members of the Lean In team for a free training to learn how to bring 50 Ways to Fight Bias to your organization.

Our 90-minute virtual training will walk you through the program materials, give you an understanding of the program concepts, and provide tips for answering frequently asked questions.

Register for an upcoming training

50 Ways to Fight Bias can help you create a workplace where all women feel included and valued

Designed to be flexible and tailored to suit your organization’s needs, this free program features over 50 cards that highlight specific instances of the biases women often experience at work. With the cards organized into sets curated for different audiences and translated into 6 languages, we make it easy to run a workshop tailored to your needs.

Ready to learn more about bringing this program to your company – join an upcoming moderator training.

Challenging bias is good for companies

For 10 years, Lean In and McKinsey & Company have studied the state of women in corporate America. Our findings are stark: women face a “broken rung” at the first critical promotion to manager, and they’re more likely to have their abilities and leadership potential questioned.

Hi Hola

Bring 50 Ways to your Global offices! 50 Ways to Fight Bias is available in 6 additional languages! We have everything you need to get started in your global offices. Join the thousands of other organizations using 50 Ways, including Amazon, PayPal, Walmart, and the Wharton MBA Program. Get started today!

Check out the translated program materials

We know it works

The program has been used by thousands of organizations, including Amazon, PayPal, Walmart, and the Wharton MBA Program. And it works.


95% of program participants are more committed to challenging bias


96% of managers feel better equipped to talk about bias with their teams


90% of program participants say they know what to do when they see women face bias at work

How companies can use this program

Explore some options for bringing the program to your company below, including recommendations on specific sets of cards that will resonate with participants.


Engage Your Employees

Host a workshop for employees

For large gatherings—either in-person or virtual—select a set of cards and use our Moderator Guide to walk everyone through the activity. Break participants into smaller groups or virtual breakout rooms to discuss the situations and brainstorm solutions together. 95% of employees who participate in a workshop are more committed to challenging bias.

Recommended Format

50+ people
1-2 hour session
Mixed gender employees, all levels
Set recommendations
  • Use our bias fundamentals starter set to run an introductory session for all employees.
  • Use our set on the experiences of women of color to educate employees about the biases women of color face at work and the concrete steps colleagues can take to interrupt bias and practice allyship.
  • Use our set on mentorship and sponsorship to educate employees on how bias can affect workplace relationships, including mentorship, sponsorship, networking opportunities, and access to senior leaders.

Integrate into existing programming

Use 50 Ways to facilitate conversations about bias within your existing programming. This could be a new employee training or monthly all-hands meetings.

Recommended Format

All group sizes
1-2 hour session
Mixed gender employees, all level
Set recommendations
  • Use our company culture set to help employees set inclusive norms, approach coworkers with empathy, and push back on acts of bias.
  • Use our set on bias in virtual workplaces to help employees understand and combat the effects of bias in remote work environments.

Incorporate into everyday workplace activities

For common workplace gatherings like weekly meetings or team lunches, use the situations or videos individually. For example, discuss one situation in each weekly team meeting or watch the videos together over lunch.

Recommended Format

All group sizes
Less than 15 minutes
Mixed gender employees, all levels

Train your managers and senior leaders

Host a workshop for managers

Managers play a critical role in creating inclusive team cultures—yet only a third of managers challenge bias when it happens. Lead managers through the program to help them understand how they can challenge bias—and then ask them to bring the program to their teams. 96% of managers who have participated in 50 Ways feel more equipped to discuss challenging bias with their teams.

Recommended Format

All group sizes
1-2 hour session
Set recommendations
  • Use our manager set to provide managers with concrete steps for fighting bias and creating an inclusive team culture.

Host a workshop for senior leaders

Senior leaders play a key role in creating inclusive company policies, programs, and cultures where fighting bias is a norm. Lead senior leaders through the program to help them understand how they can build a more inclusive workplace.

Recommended Format

All group sizes
1-2 hour session
Senior leaders
Set recommendations
  • Use our senior leader set to help senior leaders understand how they can fight bias by shifting company policies, programs, and culture.

Integrate into your hiring and reviews/promotions process

Use before hiring and promotions

Research shows bias often affects staffing decisions. 50 Ways can be used to remind stakeholders of how to avoid common pitfalls in the hiring and reviews/promotions processes.

Recommended Format

Groups of 6-8 people
1-2 hour session
Anyone involved in hiring
Set recommendations
  • Use our set on addressing the “broken rung”—or the promotion gap women experience at the first step up to management.
  • Use our hiring set to educate interviewers, recruiters, and hiring managers on how to recognize and reduce bias in the hiring process.
  • Use our reviews and promotions set to train evaluators on reducing bias in reviews and promotions—an area where biased assessments can have a big impact on women’s careers.

Facilitate small group discussions

Run a small group discussion

For small group gatherings, lead participants through a set of cards and discuss the situations and recommendations together. You can do this in one session or over the course of a series.

Recommended Format

Groups of 6-8 people
1-2 hour session
Mixed gender employees, all levels
Set recommendations
  • Use one of our curated card sets that are relevant to your small group.
Hi Hola

Running 50 Ways in another language?

We have everything you need to run a successful workshop in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Check out the translated program materials

You’re in good company

We’ve helped hundreds of leaders create organizations where everyone is empowered and supported. Companies of all sizes use our programs.

  • Amazon
  • Paypal
  • Walmart
  • Wharton

Ready to get started?

We make it easy to get started – choose one of the options below and we’ll take you rest of the way


Attend a moderator training

Join one of our free training sessions to get in-depth advice from our team on how to run your 50 Ways workshops.


Program Materials

Explore the program materials

Download our guides and curated card sets for everything you need to make your 50 Ways workshop successful.
