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7 Reasons to Become Financially Fearless

Women may be lauded for our communication skills, so why aren’t we communicating about money?

'How To Know He's The One'

Sharon Meers, the author of 'Getting to 50/50,' on the frogs she dated -- and the man princely enough to understand gender equality.

Inside Verily: The First 'No Photoshop' Fashion Magazine

The founders of Verily have pledged not to use photoshop on their pages. They explain why we need more realistic beauty standards.

What 800 Undergrads Can Teach Us About Work, Parenting and Leaning In

In his new book, Baby Bust, Stew Friedman reveals some surprising changes in the way men and women view parenthood.

Stuff Mom Never Told You: Why 'Bossy' Is a Bad Word

In the final segment of their special four-part series, the gals of Stuff Mom Never Told You take on the word "bossy," and what it means to be a female boss.

The Secret to an Equal Marriage? Ask for What You Need.

At 31, Sharon Meers gave her soon-to-be-husband a typed up list of exactly what she needed to feel equal in a marriage. It worked.

Stuff Mom Never Told You: Unbalancing Work-Life Balance

Lean In describes “having it all” as “perhaps the greatest trap ever set for women.” The gals of Stuff Mom Never Told You discuss.

Things welove

Laverne Cox Is The First Transgender Person On The Cover Of TIME

“We are in a place now where more and more trans people want to come forward and say ‘This is who I am,'” Cox says.

37 Men Show Us What Real Men's Activists Look Like

These awesome guys prove that equality benefits us all.

13-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Girl to Scale Mount Everest

Malavath Purna climbs 29,029 feet to reach the summit of the highest mountain in the world.

Air Force to Offer Airmen 3 Years of Family Leave

The Air Force will launch a pilot program later this year to support airmen as they begin families.

Meet The 9 Films That Have Passed The Bechdel Test In 2014 So Far

We're almost halfway through the year. Let's see how it's going for women in film in 2014.

Kevin Durant On His Mom, "The Real MVP"

Watch the NBA star’s moving tribute to his mom (we dare you not to cry).

California Wants To Put Baby Changing Tables In Men’s Restrooms

Two bills would help West Coast dads lean in to diaper-duty.