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What Women Can Do to Bust the Myth that We Don’t Support Each Other

LeanIn.Org president Rachel Thomas shares four ways women can support each other –– and reflects on the amazing things we accomplish when we do.

Why I Changed My Mind About Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

"She is the reason I went to work, and the reason I didn’t want to."

When All You Feel is Guilt: A Letter to New Working Moms

From one working mom to another: "I want you to know that I know how it feels."

Own It – 5 Ways to Use Motherhood to Reimagine Your Career.

Being a mom presents a host of new challenges – as well as opportunities to reassess your career priorities.

10 Tips for Female CS&E Grads

The transition from college to career is challenging — and for many female CS&E grads it can feel daunting.

For Men to Lean In at Home, Women Need to Lean Back

As more men take the lead at home—and more women given them the freedom to do so—everyone will benefit.

Things welove

"Dads, Take Your Leave"

15 fathers make their case for paternity leave.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Are Now Action Figures

Soon, you can pretend that the famous comedy duo are your friends in real life!

What Does Real Equality Look Like?

What does Sheryl want the world to look like in 2030? That's easy -- she wants real equality,

Speaking While Female

Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant on Why Women Stay Quiet at Work

Celebrating One Year of the Lean In Collection on Getty Images

Watch this video to learn more about the photo collection.

Andy Murray Wins Match, Notes "Women Can Be Very Good Coaches Too"

Andy Murray gives his coach, Amélie Mauresmo, props after a semi-final win.

Emma Watson's HeForShe Davos Speech

Watch Emma Watson's speech at the World Economic Forum.