Start a network ( Step 1 of 6 )
More about Circles >Does my Circle need to meet in person?
Circles can meet in person or online, although we find that in-person Circles are the most effective. If you’re unsure, you can always change this later.
What if the Circles in my Network will span multiple locations?
We know that many companies start Lean In Networks which have a national or even global reach. We recommend that you put your company’s headquarters as the location of your Network. However, that doesn’t limit you from starting Circles in your Network in other regions.
Circles are about getting and giving support
When you bring together friends or coworkers, Circles create a space for women to share their experiences, give and receive advice, and tackle challenges together.
Did you know?
85% of Circles also connect outside of meetings to celebrate each other's accomplishments and share personal updates and helpful resources.
What’s in a name?
The most effective Network names include some basic information—such as the city where you meet, your company name, or the career stage of your members. The name you choose is also a way to help potential members find you.
Why do I need to register?
You can manage your Network using your account. Plus, we’ll send you regular updates with advice and content to help you run your Network, and we’ll list your Network in our directory so you can recruit new members.
Who should you invite to your Network?
We call a group of Circles in the same organization a Network. No two Networks are the same, so you really can't go wrong. We recommend you invite a few leaders to help you manage your organization's Circles. Next, you can invite employees to start or join Circles in your organization's network.